Monday, March 13, 2017


Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg was the first match booked for WrestleMania 33, and has reportedly been planned since last Fall. So WWE’s had plenty of time to plan out how to present the third bout between a man who (possibly chemically-enhanced or no) won a shoot fight with ranked heavyweight mixed martial artist last Summer and a guy who took his first bump in decade last Monday.
Even with the Universal championship now involved and a good chance it’ll be the last match of the night on April 2 in Orlando, most observers don’t see the rivals getting a whole lot of time for their trilogy fight. For instance, Cageside’s resident timekeeper, Cain A. Knight, predicts five minutes for Lesnar/Goldberg III.
So it’s surprising Mr. WrestleMania himself, Shawn Michaels, thinks the pair should get triple that time.
That’s... that’s a lot of time.
Now, I don’t know Michaels methodology for match length estimates. Does this count a Paul Heyman intro? Is he including entrances? A post-match stretcher job?
What do you think of Shawn’s thoughts on the time we need with “the object that doesn’t move and the immovable force”?
How long do you think Brock & Goldberg should get?

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