Sunday, March 12, 2017


Roman Reigns and The Undertaker

This match has to happen.
Roman Reigns has become nothing short of a modern day legend in WWE. The man who so many love to hate has outworked and outhustled nearly everyone around him. He's overcome the criticism that's rained down on him for the past two years, and he's become a better worker in WWE because of it.
If anyone deserves to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania, it's Reigns.
Taker would certainly not sign off on an opponent unless he approved, which only validates Reigns even more as a main-event level Superstar. The two men would have a hard-hitting match, and Reigns would more than hold his own against The Phenom.
The time has come to move on, and Reigns is a huge part of WWE's evolution.
The fact that he's so hated should have no bearing on WWE's work to get Reigns over. WWE simply cannot continue to exist with Superstars who are well past their primes. The time to surge forward is here, and Reigns should be the man at the forefront.
Then there's the fact that if Undertaker goes out at WrestleMania 33, he would be doing so against a guy who not only has the full support of WWE, but who can also do the most with the win.

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